A Taser is a handheld weapon or device used to incapacitate people temporarily.
What is a Taser?
A Taser is a device that is held in hand and can paralyze the person on which is used. It is a weapon device that uses electric current to incapacitate people. It gives a 50,000 volt electric shock which can immediately paralyze someone. The Taser fires two small darts, connected to the device with thin wires, up to a distance of approximately 11 meters.
Uses of Taser
In foreign countries taser is used by police officers to tackle with violent criminals in order to prevent immense injuries. As it can incapacitate people without a major injuries. But indian police don’t use taser.
Also taser used to mental ill peoples for sometime . In hospital doctor used taser on mentally ill pateients.
Is taser legal in india ?
Owening of taser is illegal in india and considered as prohibited arms under Section 25 (1A) of the Arms Act. So one can not own a taser legally in india. Because people can missuse this weapon and other things owening of taser is not legal in india.
Taser also known as stun gun is not legal in india. BUt it is a very good device that helps in self defence also not deals a injury to opponent. Also police can consider use of taser to incapsicate people trying to be voilent . But as it is illegal to own a taser in india we can’t have it . So that’s about tasers.